Shamelessly us.
I still think about it and can’t believe it was real
I can’t believe you happened
I can’t believe We happened
1 year & 9 months
Every room in my house is a memory of our epic laughs, screams and tears
Our conversations completely ridiculed every second of my life before
You woke me up
You woke my grit
Grit to live to my full humanity
Grit to appreciate every quality and embrace every flaw
We explored every dimension of life
We questioned every idea, principle and belief that was fed to us
We created a beautiful world
A world in which parents raise boys and girls with same expectations
With same responsibilities
With same rights
A world in which believing in God doesn’t restrain you from doubting religion
A world in which failing doesn't reflect your worth
A world in which money is just something you need in case you don't die tomorrow
A world in which pasta, chicken and wine can end wars
We redefined right and wrong
Laughing never felt so curative
Crying never felt so liberating
We lived
We richly, wildly, fiercely lived
It hurts that you’re gone, but it's comforting to know that you're happy
The pain is okay, it reminds me of how radiant and real We were
If I was given a chance to go back, I wouldn’t change a thing
I would rather 1 minute of us, than a lifetime of nothing special
We will meet again